My Mommy and My Sisters


I LOVE it..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I want to be a Sex in The City girl

Wow Sex and the City! what a fantastic beautimus, brilliant show. The shoes, the clothes, the cosmopolitans. What a life! not to mention the men! wow Carrie gets her fair share of beautiful men on the show as do Miranda,Charlotte, and of course Samantha. This show is part of the reason that I want to take a trip to New York. Just to pretend that I am one of those high class hot New York City girls for a little while. Although I wont be able to spend like one of those high class New York City girls. Manolo Blahnik shoes alone cost about 500 dollars a pair!! wow! and on the show Carrie spends over 40,ooo dollars on shoes alone. See this is why people in New York dont drive cars because they cant afford them. Especially with shopping trips that can cost in the thousands.
Get yourself in the fabulous New York City mood.
Go rent all 6 seasons of the show watch them non stop and go see the movie. Dont think that watching the little re-runs on TBS will get you the full dose of SATC that you need. You have got to watch the real episodes that came on HBO. A little F.Y.I dont watch it with your kids, especially if you watch the HBO versions. They dont call it Sex and the City for nothing!

I took a "who's your Sex and the City match?" quiz and this is what I got.
You are most like Carrie: Is it possible to be an old-fashioned romantic and a fashionplate for the modern age, all at once? Somehow, you make it work. You're a living contradiction: intelligent and worldly, yet constantly surprised by what life throws at you; fiercely independent, yet desperately longing for lasting love. With all of that going on in your head, it's a wonder you even get up in the morning!